we are pva brush roller real factory for pool robot cleaner.more than 10 years.
Sunny hu (pva roller factory owner)
Honesty Industries Limited
New Factory Address: No.9,Xinwang Road,Huanggang District,Shihui Dongcheng street,zhaoqing City,Guangdong ,China.post code 526242
cell:0086-18666602640 welchat:0086-18666602640
Year 2012 the economy growth slowly,America economy is undergoing a revival and recovery slow.
and there will be repeated recession.euro area economy Two Recessions was established so.
our industrial output has stagnant. after the first quarter of this year,
oversea markets will have a inventory replenishment period will come, industrial will upgrade,
if the industrial output upgrade,the whole economy will turn better.
Copyright©2010 pva towel,pva chamois,pva cool towel manufacturer (China factory)
New Factory Address: No.9,Xinwang Road,Huanggang District,Shihui Dongcheng street,zhaoqing City,Guangdong ,China.post code 526242
Email: factory@honestyindustrial.com Website: http://www.honestyindustrial.com